A white drum with wooden drumsticks lies on a surface with a background of stacked, cut wooden logs. The drumsticks have a natural, rugged appearance, and the logs show various sizes and circular patterns.

Fairfield County Post-Judgment Enforcement Lawyer

Once a divorce is finalized, couples are typically required to abide by the terms set out in their divorce agreement. These terms often involve child custody, child support, alimony, and more. Unfortunately, it’s not entirely uncommon for ex-spouses to refuse to follow the agreement, such as by failing to pay child support or ignoring the parenting plan. That being said, if your ex is refusing to follow your divorce agreement, a seasoned Fairfield County post-judgment enforcement lawyer can help. Contact The Law Offices of Eric R. Posmantier, LLC today.

Post-Judgment Enforcement Lawyer | Representing Your Best Interests

We understand how frustrating it can be when an ex-spouse or co-parent refuses to follow a divorce agreement. In some cases, failure to comply with divorce terms can even put you or your child in harm’s way. This is unacceptable. Fortunately, if you’re reading this, you’ve come to the right place. A Connecticut divorce lawyer from our firm stands ready to take the necessary steps to formally enforce your divorce agreement in court.

Child Custody Enforcement

When it comes to the well-being of your children, ensuring compliance with the agreed-upon custody arrangement is paramount. If your ex-spouse is not adhering to the custody terms set out in your divorce decree, legal intervention may be necessary. Circumstances that may warrant enforcement of a custody agreement include the following:

  • Failure to adhere to visitation schedules: Your ex-partner consistently misses visitation periods or refuses to return the child at the agreed time.
  • Denial of visitation rights: You are being unjustly denied your visitation rights as outlined in the custody agreement.
  • Relocation without consent: Your ex-partner attempts to relocate with your child to a location that significantly violates the terms of the custody agreement, without obtaining proper consent.
  • Endangerment of the child’s well-being: Any actions by your ex-partner that pose a threat to the child’s physical, emotional, or psychological health.

In such instances, a Fairfield County post-judgment enforcement lawyer can assist in taking the necessary legal steps to ensure compliance with the custody arrangement, prioritizing the best interests of your child above all.

Child Support & Alimony Enforcement

Following a divorce, financial support as determined by the court is critical to the livelihood of the receiving party and any children involved. Unfortunately, some individuals fail to meet these obligations. Circumstances that warrant enforcement of a child support or alimony agreement are as follows:

  • Non-payment of child support or alimony: Regular payments are not being made as outlined in the agreement.
  • Partial payments: Only a portion of the agreed-upon amount is being paid, causing financial strain.
  • Failure to increase payments in accordance with income increases: The paying party has received a significant income increase but has not reported this change to adjust support payments accordingly.
  • Failure to cover additional agreed-upon expenses: This could include medical expenses, educational fees, or extracurricular activities for children that were agreed upon outside of regular support payments.

In these situations, legal action may be necessary to enforce the financial support agreement, ensuring you and your children receive the support you are entitled to.

The Enforcement Process in Connecticut

Enforcing a custody or support order isn’t always straightforward, but a brief outline of the process is as follows:

  1. Gather all relevant documentation proving the violation of the agreement, such as payment records or communication with the ex-spouse.
  2. Consult with a Fairfield County post-judgment enforcement lawyer to review your case and advise on the best course of action.
  3. Your lawyer will file a motion for contempt with the court, formally accusing your ex-spouse of failing to comply with the court order.
  4. A hearing will be scheduled where both parties can present their case. It is crucial to provide evidence supporting your claim of non-compliance.
  5. The judge will make a decision based on the evidence presented. If the court finds in your favor, it may issue orders to enforce compliance, such as wage garnishment for unpaid support, modification of custody arrangements, or even, in severe cases, jail time for the non-compliant party.
  6. Depending on the court’s order, there may be follow-up actions required to ensure compliance, which your attorney can assist with.

Contact Our Connecticut Post-Judgment Enforcement Lawyers

If you’ve tried talking with your ex and they still refuse to comply with your divorce agreement, our firm is here to enforce it. Contact a skilled post-judgment enforcement lawyer from The Law Offices of Eric R. Posmantier, LLC today.

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