Read this blog and contact a Connecticut divorce lawyer from our firm to learn under what circumstances alimony may be modified or terminated.
Individuals increasingly opt to represent themselves in custody, support, divorce, and modification proceedings in these economic times to save money. Perhaps you are interested in saving on legal fees but worried that doing so could jeopardize your chances of a successful outcome. Or, maybe you are confused by the complexities of the highly technical court process but cannot afford to have an attorney handle all aspects of the litigation. Or, maybe you would like help navigating a mediation process. If one of these scenarios applies to you, a divorce review counsel, consulting, or "coaching" arrangement may be the solution. Contact a seasoned Fairfield County divorce attorney from The Law Offices of Eric R. Posmantier, LLC for guidance today.
At The Law Offices of Eric R. Posmantier, LLC, we provide strategic and procedural guidance to individuals appearing on their behalf before the court or in a mediation process. We advise clients regarding their legal rights and the legal or practical effects of various litigation and settlement options.
Additionally, we provide assistance in completing any necessary forms and, ultimately, drafting and reviewing the most important document: the final separation or modification agreement.
We believe many disputes are well suited for mediation, whereby the parties negotiate and resolve their divorce with the assistance of a neutral party. Caution is necessary because mediators do not represent either side and cannot provide legal advice or guidance. For an individual participating in mediation, hiring "review counsel" to help strategize through the mediation process and then discuss a proposed agreement before executing and finalizing the document can be a critical part of protecting one’s interests.
There are two main approaches to hiring an attorney to assist with a mediation process: (1) Retaining an attorney at the start of, or during, the process to provide ongoing legal consulting while engaged in mediation. Or (2) retaining an attorney at the end of the process to review documents before execution. The former approach is usually called “review counsel,” “divorce coaching,” or “divorce consulting.” However, making things even more confusing to someone new to the divorce process is the fact that the phrase “using review counsel” can also apply to that second, more limited approach.
Hiring a review counsel or a divorce consultant to represent your interests and guide you through the process comes with several potential benefits. Some of those benefits are as follows:
If you’d like to learn more about our divorce consulting or review counsel services, please don’t hesitate to contact a seasoned Connecticut divorce lawyer here at The Law Offices of Eric R. Posmantier, LLC for assistance today. We stand ready to represent you every step of the way.
Read this blog and contact a Connecticut divorce lawyer from our firm to learn under what circumstances alimony may be modified or terminated.
Wondering what you should bring to your first meeting with a divorce lawyer? Simply read this blog and contact us today.
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